Rules & Provisions

General Provisions

The sports rules of participation at L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France (hereinafter the rules) apply to all active participants of the event that take part at any of the route. They are an integral part of the general conditions, which are published on the website under the Legal Notes.


Sunday cycling event

To participate in the Sunday event, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old on the day of the event, have successfully registered for the event (you received a confirmation e-mail from the registration portal when you registered), have collected your starting number and are in a suitable psychophysical condition. Read more Legal notes - General provisions.

Participation on an e-bike is not allowed. The event is primarily intended for road cyclists, but other bikes are also allowed: gravel, mountain bikes etc.

Saturday cycling event

Participation is permitted with any type of bicycle that is technically correct and the individual is accustomed to it. The toddlers are allowed to participate on balance bikes. Pre-registration is mandatory even though the registration fee is for free. A helmet is mandatory for all cyclists. Family ride is:

  • limited to the childrens with passed cycling licencee, and ability to follow the traffic rules in case if they are left behind the organisers's acommpained motorised vehicle;
  • accompained by at least one adult person or parent.

The Sunday event routes

The competition routes with time measurement are two:

  • 80 km (shorter, called the Ride) and
  • 150 km long (longer, called the Race).

Details about the routes are published on the L'Etape Slovenia website under several sections: Blog, Stages, General Provisions, etc., and communicated via L'Etape Slovenia official social media channels and in a e-newsletter to the subscribed recipients on time and as soon as they are officially confirmed from all stakeholders.

The Saturday event routes

The Saturday program and routes (family and children's cycling) will be communicated to the public when the applications are opened and there is not expected to be greater changes from the previous edition of L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France: The registrations usually open in Spring.

  • childrens ride in a circle of 800m (1-3 laps, depending on the age category);
  • family ride in a route of 12,5 km.

Challange Jelenov hill - beat Matej Mohorič. The details and rules will be communicated once the registration will open.


L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France is a 2-day cycling event that will take place on Saturday, September 6, 2025 and Sunday, September 7, 2025 in Kranj, Slovenia.

Saturday's events are mostly concentrated in the city center of Kranj with various cycling trials. During the cycling events, the roads are only intended for cyclists and are partially or completely closed to traffic.

Sunday cycling event on a longer route of 150 km or shorter routes of 80 km are timed and take place on roads that are partially or completely closed to traffic in Kranj and its surranding municipalities: Komenda, Kamnik, Vodice, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Tržič, Radovljica, Naklo, Škofja Loka etc.

The (changed) traffic regime featuring road closures on the day of the event will be published in time on the L'Etape Slovenia website and other partner channels of public information. We ask the participants to follow the road and traffic regulations, the instructions of the organizer and directors at the event and to respect other cyclists at the event.


Sunday's cycling events (Sep 7, 2025)

Registations are open till August 24, 2025 till 23:59:59 Slovenian time.

The participant can pick up the start number and the timing chip or the start package upon presentation of an identity document in a pre-determined period of time before the event and on the day of the event in the designated area at the venue (in the hall of the Municipality of Kranj, Slovenski trg 1, 4000 Kranj):

  • Saturday, September 6, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, September 7, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

In the case of the possibility of early collection of the start package, we will inform all successfully registered participants in a timely manner via the online newsletter, website and social media. It is not possible to pick up the starter pack for another person. The participant with a successful registration will receive information about the start number in a special e-mail message sent in the week before the event. Start numbers will not be sent by post.

The number must be placed on the participant's back and will be mandatory for access to the participant-only venue and the start-finish area and must remain fully visible throughout the competition, even in bad weather.

Saturday's cycling events (Sep 6, 2025)

The number pick up for prior registered cyclists is possible on the event's day in the hall of the Municipality of Kranj, Slovenski trg 1, 4000 Kranj in person. The exact time period will be communicated on time. Registration is possible until all places are taken or due date as written in the rules of each trial. The updated version is available in General provisions.


All participants will receive an electronic timing chip together with the start number, which must be attached/sticked under the seat of the bicycle. The chip will automatically start measuring time when crossing the start line and will continue to measure time along the entire course, all the way to the finish line.

Caution: Be careful not to bend or damage the measuring chip in any other way, as this will prevent its proper operation.

Participants who do not follow the official route set by the organizer, use human assistance, or cross the finish line without a timing chip will be disqualified.

The electronic time detection system was selected according to strict reliability requirements. Despite the tests carried out by the manufacturers, a very low percentage of cases of non-detection remains. The organizer cannot be held responsible for this.

Saturday event

Time is not measured, as all routes / cycling tests are non-competitive in nature.


Sunday event

Official timing is ensured through an electronic detection system by Timing Ljubljana.

The entire course will be timed and the official final ranking will be based according to this time. A selected number of flat sections and climbs will also be timed and count for the special green and polka dot jersey competitions.

A total of 3 refreshment stations are set up along the entire route for all participants: 1 on the short and 3 on the long route.

The participant must cross the finish line before 2:30 p.m. Any participant who exceeds this time limit, even if they cross the finish line, will be disqualified.

Saturday event

The time is not measured and there is no refreshment stations along any of the routes.


Sunday event

Best cyclist will be awarded in accordance with the official results. We will award prizes to the best in the following categories:

  • Yellow jersey: classification from the first to the last placed participant based on the official time, which starts when the cyclists cross the measuring point at km 0. The first female cyclist and the first male cyclist to cross the finish line in Kranj will receive the jerseys.
  • Polka dot jersey: the classification will be determined based on the best sum of times on the two climbs (Šenturška gora and Jamnik) on the 145 km route and the best time on the climb to Šenturška Gora on the 80 km route in the women's and men's categories.
  • Green jersey: classification will be determined based on the fastest measured time on the marked flat section in 73.5-74 km, both routes (Ride and Race).
  • White jersey: classification of the fastest male and female cyclist under 25 based on official time.

All participants are classified into age categories based on the official time of the fastest male and female cyclist in the following age groups:

  • Women: 18-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+
  • Men: 18-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+

We remind the participants that during the event we will carry out controls to ensure that the competition runs in accordance with these rules.

Saturday's cycling events

Children's cycling events and family ride are without time measurement. All participants get a medal after crossing the finish line successfully.

Children's cycling age categories:

  • Children A, > 4 years, 1 lap (1x 800m), balance bike or bicycle.
  • Children B, 4.5-8 years: 2 laps (2x800m: 1,6 km), bike.
  • Children C, 9-12 years: 3 laps (3x800m: 2,4 km), bike.

Family ride

  • age limitation of a child: at least 10 years and/or cycling license
  • the under age child has to be accompanied by a parent or other adult person.

For other cycling events such as Jelenov klanec challange the information will follow.