General Provisions

General Terms of L'Étape Slovenia by Tour de France

The following general terms and provisions regulate the registration rules for the amateur cycling event Merkur zavarovalnica L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France, which will take place on September 6 and 7, 2025.


The event organizer is SPORT MEDIA FOCUS d.o.o., communication in sports, registration number 5997577000, address: Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 5, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter: the organizer), which manages the website of the cycling event L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France:, contact: The website's privacy policy and terms of use are defined here.


These conditions govern the relationship between the organizer and the participant of any cycling ride within the framework of the 2-day event. To participate in any cycling test the participant must be registered. The registration process should be done at the web platform With a successful application the applicant agrees with these General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the terms of the application portal


The nature of cycling within the event is twofold, hence the organizer prepares two separate calls and application procedures, and time frames for opening registrations:

  • Saturday cycling rides are for free, but a participant must be prior registered. The registrations closes when all starting numbers are filled. Registrations for 2025 are not open yet.
    • Children's cycling and family rides are free of charge, but prior registration is required. Registration is open until the available places are filled or until the number of registrations is reached, for which the organizer still guarantees the safe implementation of an individual event. Registration for cycling events in 2025 is not yet open and is expected to open in May/June 2025. The sponsor of such events is Gorenjska banka, a strategic partner of the event.
    • The Business Ride is a team cycling event that takes place in pairs. The event is paid, competitive in nature and will be held for the first time in 2025. The sponsor of the event is Merkur zavarovalnica, presenting partner of the event..
      The Jelenov klanec challenge - K0.0lesari na polno! is a time trial. Prior free registration is required until the advertised places are filled. The sponsor of the event is Union Radler 0.0 and it takes place from 2024.
  • Sunday's Ride and Race cycling is payable.The prices and time frames are available at REGISTRATION section of this web page.
    The pre-registrations are open from October 17-October 31, 2024. A pre-registration is non-binding – it only guarantees you the opportunity to register at the lowest guaranteed price during the pre-registration period when official registration opens. Official registration opens on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 11 a.m.
    The registration to the event must be completed during registrations open period November 11, 2024–August 24,2025, and in accordance with the conditions defined below in these terms and provisions. Under the section "CYCLING EVENTS ON THE SEPTEMBER 7th, 2025", the present conditions are explicitly related to the Sunday's cycling event in 2025 and must be read and confirmed by a participant when fulfilling the registration form.
    The registration process takes place at partner's portal PRIJAVIM.SE in accordance with its terms and conditions.

The present terms and conditions apply in part:

  • CYCLING EVENTS ON SATURDAY, SEP 6th, 2025 explicitly refers to the performance of cycling tests on September 6, 2025. The conditions for the performance in 2025 have not yet been fully updated.
  • CYCLING EVENTS ON SUNDAY, SEP 7th, 2025 explicitly refers to the performance of cycling tests on 07/09/2025.

The participant of any cycling test within the event must read and follow these conditions. By successfully registering for the selected cycling test, the participant is deemed to agree to the conditions.


The participant is aware that the organizer will record the event (photos, videos etc.), and enable transmission of the event (i.e. live streaming and/or TV live transmission) and will use video and photo recordings from the event for the purposes of informing the public about the event, for the purposes of promoting the event in the future, reporting to the partners of the event and for other commercial and non-commercial use.


All news is published on time on the organizer's official communications channels L’Etape Slovenia, such as website and via social media channels:


Anyone can sign up for free e-newsletters L’Etape Slovenia to follow up-to-date information related to the L'Etape Slovenia event, on the organizer's website ➡️ At the bottom of each page under a section #Keep in Touch is a provided text field for entering a valid personal e-mail address by a visitor of a web page who wants to receive e-news for free. By entering a valid e-mail address the person agrees to receive an e-newsletter with the latest content about the event, cycling and event-related content, as well as occasional receipt of content from event partners.

To unsubscribe from e-news is possible by clicking on "unsubscribe" at every received e-news.


The organizer reserves the right to amend the general conditions published on the date of the last update on the event website and in the registration form. By accepting the above-mentioned general conditions on the application form for participation in the L'Etape Slovenia cycling.


The terms and conditions for the cycling events of L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France organised on Saturday, September 6th, 2025, willl be updated once the registraion to the cycling events will be open, presumably in Spring 2025.

Union Radler Challenge: K0.0lesari na polno!*

(*Cycle at Full Throttle!)

General information

  • Time Trial on Jelenov klanece
  • Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024
  • Start and Finish: Kranj, Jelenov klanec
  • Timekeeping: Yes


Individual start every 30 seconds. Descent down the hill at a controlled speed, time is not measured. The final classification time begins at the marked section with the start of the ascent on Jelenov klanec and ends upon crossing the finish line with recognizable markers.


Jelenov klanec, total length 1 km. Route Map:

Registration and Free Entry

A maximum of 150 cyclists can participate in the challenge. Prior free registration is mandatory. Registration closes when 160 spots are filled, of which those registered in positions 151 to 160 are included on the waiting list. Those on these positions will be able to participate if a spot opens to the quota of 150. Reserve participants will be informed in due time.

Application form is available at Google forms K0.0lesari na polno! till all slots are taken. Each pearson is eligable to register only once.

Participation is Mandatory upon Registration

By registering for free, the participant agrees to participate in the challenge under any circumstances. Any possible non-participation due to force majeure must be communicated no later than September 1, 2024.

Who Can Participate in the Challenge?

All adults - women and men (age on the day of the event, i.e., September 7, 2024, at 00:00:01, must be 18 years or older) who are not professional cyclists can participate. Participation in the challenge is at one's own risk. Road and gravel bikes can be used in the competition. Bikes modified for time trials are not allowed. The use of a cycling helmet is mandatory.


  • Men overall
  • Women overall

Pick-up of Race Numbers and cycling jerseys for the challenge is on Saturday, September 7, from the opening of the race office until 1 hour before the start of the challenge. Late pick-ups of numbers are not possible. In order to successfully participate in the race the competitor must wear the official jersey received and have a correctly placed start number.


  • Date of the event: Saturday SEP 7nd, 2024
  • Registration: mandatory prior free registration. Limited number of free registratios available.
  • Start and finish: Slovenski trg, Kranj, Slovenia
  • Route: lap, 800m

Age categories and distances

The children's cycling trials take place on the 800 m circle in the immediate vicinity of the central venue on Slovenski trg.

  • Children A, > 4 years, 1 lap (1x 800m), balance bike or bicycle.
  • Children B, 4.5-8 years: 2 laps (2x800m: 1,6 km), bike.
  • Children C, 9-12 years: 3 laps (3x800m: 2,4 km), bike.

A timeline is under preparation. All children’s cycling will take place in the afternoon, planed from 3.p.m. on.

The race will take place on a route with a mobile or complete road closure. All participants are asked to follow the instructions of the organizer, police and security officers. Parents/guardians are not allowed to be present on the road - they can accompany children along the route. If the child cannot cycle 800 meters independently, he should not participate in the race.

  • The participant of the event is anyone who is registered by pre-registration or registers on the day of the event and collects the start number. By registering the child, parents/guardians agree to the rules and conditions of the child's participation in the race.
  • Each participant must present an identity document when collecting the start number. In the case of minors, the parent/guardian who completed the application must identify themselves with an identity document.
  • A protective helmet is mandatory for all participants.
  • Unregistered cyclists will be excluded from the race by the organizer.
  • Participants are asked to respect and protect the environment and nature and to bring any waste with them to the finish line.
  • There is no individual timing in the race.
  • The event will take place in any weather.

The Slovenski trg in Kranj will be closed to all traffic, and the event area will be fenced off. The children's race will take place within a short-term mobile roadblock, and the participants will ride in a group under the guidance of the organizer's vehicles and a police escort. During the race, it is forbidden to overtake accompanying vehicles at the front. Whoever falls behind the last accompanying vehicle will drive in traffic.

The organizer ensures the safe realization of the event, together with several accompanying vehicles, stewards, police escort and medical services. The event will be insured by an insurance company, but the organizer is not responsible for the consequences and resulting damage that participants cause to themselves, fellow competitors or third parties, or because of violating the rules and instructions set by the organizer.

By accepting the start number for children, the participants (parents/guardians) confirm that they are familiar with the provisions and instructions of the organizer, that they agree with them and accept that their children participate in the event at their own risk.

The participants of the event agree to photographing and recording the event and the use of recorded materials for the purposes of communication of the event on various communication channels, especially on the website, official channels of L'Etape Slovenia on social media, OOH advertising and print media.

The organizer reserves the right to change the event program at short notice and change the route or its segments at any time. The event organizer also reserves the right to cancel the event at any time before the start of the event due to force majeure.

The organizer reserves the right to change the general conditions published on the date of the last update on the event website and in the registration form. By accepting the above-mentioned general conditions on the application form for participation in the L'Etape Slovenia cycling event, you can successfully complete the application process.


  • Date of the event: Saturday SEP 7nd, 2024
  • Registration: mandatory prior free registration. Limited number of free registratios available.
  • Start and finish: Slovenski trg, Kranj, Slovenia
  • Route: 12,5km

Cyclists will always ride between the first and last escort vehicle and will be accompanied by the police and medical services. The race will take place within a mobile or complete roadblock on the route. All participants are asked to follow the instructions of the organizer, police and stewards.

  • The participant of the event is anyone who is registered by pre-registration or registers on the day of the event and collects the start number.
  • Each participant must present an identity document when collecting the start number. In the case of minors, the parent who completed the application must identify him- or herself with an identity document.
  • A minor must be accompanied by a parent on the route.
  • A protective helmet is mandatory for all minor participants and recommended for adults.
  • Unregistered cyclists will be excluded from the race by the organizer.
  • Participants are asked to respect and protect the environment and nature and to bring any waste with them to the finish line.
  • There is no individual timing in the race.
  • The event will take place in any weather.

The main square in Kranj will be closed to all traffic, and the event area will be fenced off. The family race will take place within a short-term mobile roadblock, and the participants will ride in a group under the guidance of the organizer's vehicles and a police escort. During the race, it is forbidden to overtake accompanying vehicles at the front. Whoever falls behind the last accompanying vehicle will drive in traffic.

The organizer ensures the safe realization of the event, together with several accompanying vehicles, stewards, police escort and medical services. The event will be insured by an insurance company, but the organizer is not responsible for the consequences and resulting damage that participants cause to themselves, fellow competitors or third parties, or because of violating the rules and instructions set by the organizer.

By accepting the start number, the participants confirm that they are familiar with the provisions and instructions of the organizer, that they agree with them and that they agree to participate in the event at their own risk.

The participants of the event agree to photographing and recording the event and the use of recorded materials for the purposes of communication of the event on various communication channels, especially on the website, official channels of L'Etape Slovenia on social media, OOH advertising and print media.

The organizer reserves the right to change the event program at short notice and change the route or its segments at any time. The event organizer also reserves the right to cancel the event at any time before the start of the event due to force majeure.

The organizer reserves the right to change the general conditions published on the date of the last update on the event website and in the registration form. By accepting the above-mentioned general conditions on the application form for participation in the L'Etape Slovenia cycling event, you can successfully complete the application process.



The cycling event L'Etape Slovenia will take place on September 7, 2025 with the start and finish in Kranj. At 9:00 a.m., all registered cyclists will start simultaneously on the longer - Race (150 km) and shorter - Ride (80 km) distances.

  • Start zone: The road Koroška cesta on the section opposite Hotel Creina and in the direction of the roundabout near Gorenjska banka. 
  • The start-finish area is a well recognizable area with a start-finish arc.
  • Kilometer 0 is located at the kilometer 6,6 in Spodnje Bitnje, and it will be marked by a distinctive sign at the route. Until the point of kilometer 0, all cyclists ride in a closed group behind the first official vehicle, overtaking the official vehicle is not allowed.


It is possible to register for participating in one of the two cycling events, which will take place on September 8, 2024, with a start and finish in Kranj. An individual can only register for one distance. The organizer reserves the right to change the route.

Distance: 150 km      
Total elevation gain: 2.118 m
Route map - Garmin connect:
More information:

Distance: 80 km           
Total elevation gain: 841 m
Route map - Garmin connect:
More information:


On the shorter (Ride) distance will be one refreshment station at 52.2 km, while on the longer (Race) distance the cyclists will have three refreshment stations, namely at kilometers: 52.2 km, 100.4 km and 130 km. There will also be a refreshment station at the finish line for all cyclists.


Participation in the cycling event L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France is only possible with prior registration for the selected course and payment of the registration fee on time. Applications are open up to and including August 24, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. After this date, registration is no longer possible. The number of places for participants on a longer or shorter route is not limited, but the organizer of the event reserves the right to do so if he deems it necessary to ensure security and/or other force majeure. Consequently, in such a case, the application option will be closed before the above date.

Only persons who are over 18 years of age or who has just turned 18 the day before the event i.e. 6/9/2025 are eligible to apply. The event is of an amateur recreational nature, so registration is not possible for professional active cyclists who are registered with the UCI.


Participation in the cycling event L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France is only possible with prior registration for the selected route during the open registration period and payment of the registration fee on time. Registrations are open by the end of August 25th, 2024 – till 23:59:59 Slovenian Time (Ljubljana – UTC + 1). After this date, registration is no longer possible. The number of places for participants on a Ride or Race is not limited, but the event organizer reserves the right to do so if it deems it necessary to ensure security and/or another force majeure. Consequently, in such a case, the registration period will be closed before the above date.


Registration for the event can only be done online during the open registration period. The registration process to participate at the L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France Ride or Race takes place at the direct link below and proceeds in accordance with the general conditions of the application portal



The registration procedure takes place in accordance with the terms and conditions of the application portal Already registered users on the website log in with your user account and password and continue the registration process by selecting the event - registration for the event L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France 2025.

If you do not own a user account yet, you have two options to continue the process:

  1. you can create your own user account (option: New user) or
  2. complete the registration process as a guest (option: Register as a guest).

Anyone applying for a Ride or Race is obligated to enter his/her personal e-mail address and mobile phone number in the application form. This also applies to a registration of a group of 10 or more cyclists and for the application, which may be carried out by another person for and on behalf of the individual. Personal contact information is required to ensure timely notifications about the event details, and security reasons during the event.


The price of the registration fee for the chosen route (Ride or Race) L'Etape Slovenia includes:

  • starting number,
  • timing chip,
  • coupon for a meal in the finish area,
  • a welcome bag and
  • a medal when crossing a finish line successfully. 


The organizer provides an official escort of motorized vehicles and the police, controlled group cycling to kilometer 0, complete or partial road closures for the duration of Ride and Race and within the estimated time frame of the cycling event, medical assistance, refreshment stations, technical assistance to cyclists along the way, official timing, signs and directions.


When registering to the Sunday’s Ride or Race a participant has a unique chance to order selected products of the L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France 2025 official collection at promotional prices as listed below.
Textile products are provided by the manufacturer Ale, while cycling glasses are provided by Apres Outdoor. Products can be ordered at promotional prices only and solely during the registration fee process, and only for a limited time or until a limited quantity is sold out. Prices and availability of period due dates or quantity are indicated for each product below:

  • upper part of the cycling jersey, short sleeves: EUR 22.99 - can be ordered until June 30, 2025.
  • cycling shorts: EUR 69.99 - can be ordered until February 28, 2025.
  • cycling vest EUR 79.99 - can be ordered until February 28, 2025.
  • the upper part of the cycling jersey - long sleeve, EUR 69.99 - can be ordered until February 28, 2025.
  • T-shirt: € 15.00 can be ordered until February 28, 2025.
  • Apres Outdoor cycling glasses (Dopers 2.0 graphite or arctic lenses), EUR 69.99 - only 50 pieces available, can be ordered until February 28, 2025.

When choosing a product be sure to choose the appropriate size. The size chart is listed further in these terms and conditions. Cycling glasses are "unisex" in shape and available in universal size (one size). From July 1, 2025, the entire L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France cycling collection will be available in selected Hervis stores and their online store at regular prices. Registration for the cycling Ride or Race is not conditioned by purchasing any of the offered items from the L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France 2025 collection.


In order to ensure the highest level of safety the participants have a choice of starting zone according to the level of cycling fitness. When registering to Ride or Race, please choose the starting zone suitable to the current abilities, based on the expected average speed during the cycling event:

  • A (above 37 km/h)
  • B (from 36 km/h to 30 km/h)
  • C (less than 30 km/h).


All prices are in euros (EUR) and include VAT. The price for the cycling event (hereinafter: registration fee) is the same, regardless of the chosen length of the route: longer, 150 km - Race, or shorter, 80 km - Ride. Registration is possible only during open registration period. The price of the registration fee does NOT include the official cycling jersey or any other items of the L'Etape Slovenia collection.

Jersey or any other product from the L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France 2025 collection can be ordered at promotional prices only at the same time as the purchase of the registration fee, by adding the chosen product to the registration fee within the available time period and quantity and indicating the desired size.

The price of the registration fee varies depending on the period of purchase for all male participants. Due to the encouragement of female cyclists and their greater representation at the event, the price for female participants of Ride or Race is the same in the period February 1st to August 24, 2025, namely EUR 79.99.

The registration fee must be paid on the day of purchase or due date indicated on the pro forma invoice. If the registration fee is not settled on the day of purchase or within the due date, its amount may increase depending on the day of payment due to a possible increase depending on the time frame:

  • 59.99 EUR valid from the opening day to November 25, 2024, and applicable only to the attendees of the Ride or Race of 'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France 2024 and pre-registered.
  • 69.99 EUR for early bird registration at the start of the cycling season: from opening to 31.1.2024.
  • 79.99 EUR for all women participants, registering for the event from February 1 to August 24, 2025.
  • 79.99 EUR for registering during the cycling season: 1.2.–30.4.2025, but limited to 300 spots. If all 300 spots are taken, the next pirce period starts.
  • 99.99 EUR for late registration in the period: 1.5.–31. 7. 2025, but limited to 200 spots. If all 200 spots are taken, the next price period starts.
  • 119.99 EUR for »ad hoc« registration in the period: 1.–24. 8. 2025, but limited to 100 spots.*
  • Group registration of 10 or more people, EUR 79.99 per person in the period: 1.2.–24.8.2025.**

* Participants who register for the event after August 15, 2024, a personalized starting number is not guaranteed.


Companies, sports clubs and individuals united in a group with a minimum of ten (10) participants can benefit from a group registration. This means the simultaneous registration of at least ten individuals over a Ride or Race. Every individual is obligated to be registered with his/her personal e-mail address and mobile phone number.
Interested parties must write before the August 20, 2025 to and only after approval, a group registration can be proceeded. A group registration is not possible to be carried out at without prior approval of the organizer.
Registration fee per person for the simultaneous registration of 10 or more cyclists: EUR 79.99/person. Registration process should be completed during the open registration period, and not after August 25, 2025.


Before selecting the size of your cycling jersey, please take your measures carefully and select the appropriate size according to the Alé manufacturer's size charts, which are given below. Please note that some garments are a tight fit, so we recommend ordering at least one size larger if your measurements are in-between two sizes. Each model has been designed to fit differently and takes advantage of the characteristics of the materials used. Sizing can also vary depending on personal preference, whether you prefer very tight or looser styles.

Men (in cm)

Size Height Chest Waistline Hip bone
XS 150/159 88 76 92
S 160/169 92 80 96
M 170/179 96 84 100
L 180/185 100 88 104
XL 186/190 105 93 109
2XL 191/195 110 98 114
3XL - 115 103 119
4XL - 120 108 124
5XL - 125 113 129
6XL - 130 118 134


Women (in cm):

Size Height Chest Waistline Hip bone
XS 160 80 63/66 89/92
S 161/170 84 67/70 93/96
M 171/175 88 71/74 97/100
L 176/180 92 75/80 101/104
XL - 96 79/82 105/108
2XL - 100 83/86 109/112




Until February 28, 2025, the applicant for the L'Etape Slovenia cycling event can also add the purchase of cycling shorts in the image of L'Etape Slovenia, the price is: EUR 69.99 (incl. VAT). To choose the right size of Alé cycling shorts, use the size chart available here ➡️

Registration is only possible exclusively via the online application form on the application website ➡️

Payment can be made with selected payment cards, via the PayPal system, or by bank transfer after receiving the proforma invoice to your e-mail address that you entered on the application form. The payment deadline is indicated on the promissory note, or the payment must be made no later than the expiration date of the price at the time of registration. If the deadline is missed, the applicant will have to pay the higher application fee applicable on the day of payment.


For additional information about the application process or any technical assistance in making the payment of the application fee, please contact


The participant must notify the organizer of the cancellation by e-mail at

  1. In case of application cancellation by 31 May 2025, the cost of the paid application fee will be refunded in full, minus the administrative and banking costs associated with the transfer of funds.
  2. In case of cancellation from 1 June to 31 July 2025, the cost of the paid registration fee will be refunded in the amount of 50%, minus the administrative and banking costs related to the transfer of funds.
  3. In case of cancellation after July 31, 2025, a refund of the paid registration fee is not possible.


For additional EUR 10.00 when registering for L'Etape Slovenia cycling event (80 km or 150 km), the additional payment enables the cancellation of the registration for L'Etape Slovenia 2025 and its transfer for participation in L'Etape Slovenia in 2026. All additional purchases (e.g. jersey) are transferred together with the registration. The application can only be transferred once. A transfer of application cannot be transferred again under any circumstances. The participant must inform the organizer by e-mail at that he/she wishes to transfer the registration fee to 2026 no later than August 17, 2025.


Successfully registered cyclists who did not choose the option to transfer to the next year also have the option of transferring their registration to the next year. For validating this type of transfer, the validator must pay an additional fee of EUR 20.00 up to and including August 17, 2025. The application can only be transferred once. A transferred application cannot be downloaded again under any circumstances. The applicant must notify the intention to transfer by August 17, 2025 to We will no longer honor download requests after this date.

Transferring the application to another person is not possible. It is also not possible to pick up the start package for another participant without prior agreement with the organizer by e-mail at


The colour of the starting number varies depending on the selected length of the route (Ride / Race). To receive the start number in the appropriate colour of the selected route and if the participant would like to change the length of the originally selected route upon registration, it could be done by communicating the change via e-mail to, but no later than August 24, 2025. Changing the route is also possible on the day of the event and/or during the cycling, but in this case the start number remains in the colour of the route chosen when registered.


Participants on both routes compete for the original Tour de France jerseys: yellow, polka dot, green and white:

  • Yellow jersey for the winner (men and women) who crosses the finish line first (absolute competition).
  • Green jersey for the fastest sprinter in the women's and men's competition. Time is measured on the following route segment:
    • 73,5–74 km km both routs (Ride and Race).
  • Polka dot jersey for the fastest climbers in the female and male competition on the following four mountain climbs:
    • Ride (shorter route): Šenturška Gora 49.1–52 km.
    • Race (longer route): Šenturška Gora, 49,1–52 km, Jamnik, 93,5 km–99,9 km.
  • White jersey for the fastest cyclist under 25 years of age.

Women: 18-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+
Men: 18-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+

The winners of the age categories on the 150 km and 80 km routes receive gold medal and symbolic gifts by event partners.

Those registered cyclists with a paid entry fee for the Sunday L'Etape Slovenia cycling event can pick up their start package, which contains the start number, measuring chip and bike sticker, at the venue (in the hall of the Municipality of Kranj, Slovenski trg 1, 4000 Kranj):

  • on Saturday, September 6, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
  • on the day of the event, Sunday, September 7, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

In the case of the possibility of early collection of the start package, the organizer will inform all successfully registered participants in a timely manner via the online newsletter, website and social media.

Important: Picking up the start package for participants is only possible in person and upon presentation of a valid ID with a photo or QR code. Pickup for another person will NOT be possible.


Accommodation in Kranj is not included in the price. The organizer suggests accommodation near the venue. The cost of accommodation is entirely the domain of the provider.



  • ZD Kranj, Gosposvetska ulica 10, 4000 Kranj;
  • UKC Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 7, 1000 Ljubljana;
  • Splošna bolnišnica Jesenice, Cesta maršala Tita 112, 4270 Jesenice.


By registering for the event, the participant confirms that he/she will participate in the event at his/her own risk and that he/she will check his/hers psychophysical abilities beforehand and consult with his/hers personal doctor about participation. Only adults can register for the L'Etape Slovenia Ride or Race.


The organizer reserves the right to change the event program at short notice and change the route or its segments at any time. The event organizer also reserves the right to cancel the event at any time before the start of the event due to force majeure.


The organizer collects information and some personal data on the website about those visitors who would like to get information and contact the organization for this. Visitors are solely responsible for the authenticity of personal data and contact information. We use the contact information to establish contact with the visitor when necessary or the visitor wants it himself (subscribing to L'Etape Slovenia e-news).

We do not use personal data and contact information for other purposes and do not disclose them to third parties. We would use your IP address to diagnose server problems and edit the website. Our website also contains links to third party websites. The company is not responsible for the privacy and content of these websites.

The organizer will try to ensure the accuracy and up-to-date information on the website with the necessary care, but at the same time reserves the right to change the content of the website and/or stop supplementing it at any time without any prior notice, and does not assume any responsibility for the renewal of the website.


The participant of any cycling ride within the event of L'Etape Slovenia by Tour de France by successfully submitting a registration at the portal and paying the registration fee in case the ride is payable, agrees to these General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the conditions of the registration portal.

Last changes made: 12. 11. 2024